Frequently Asked Questions

What are your credentials?

I have worked in education for 30 years.  I have worked in multiple capacities, most of my work focusing on literacy instruction.  I have two master’s degrees, a reading teacher certification grades K-12, an administrator’s license, a Director of Instruction license, as well as certification to teach grades 1-8 regular education.

I have worked as an intervention teacher within MPS and have always gotten solid results.  The last classroom that I worked with after coming back following a leave of absence was a 4th grade class in an impoverished area of Milwaukee.  I had them for 6 months and we closed the achievement gap by 18% in both math and reading within that time frame.  That was with 30 students in the room, none of them on grade level when I started.  

I have also been a district trainer for Milwaukee Public Schools, training teachers and coaches in effective methods for improving phonemic awareness, phonics, fluency, comprehension, vocabulary, and writing.

I am trained in LETRS, SRA Direct Instruction, writer’s workshop, writing circles, Understanding by Design, Project C.R.I.S.S reading strategies, Six Traits Plus, Multiple assessments (Woodcock Johnson, QRI, DIBELS, and more) and Response to Intervention.  

I have written curriculum for our district for summer school, trained teachers and administration, trained literacy coaches, and coach teachers side by side. 

What will I get for my money?

Your child will receive specially designed instruction in reading and/ or writing meeting the student where they are at and scaffolding instruction to accelerate them towards where they need to be.  I use explicit instruction in phonemic awareness and phonics to help improve fluency rates.  I work on deep comprehension, vocabulary development, and expanding background knowledge.  I use the most efficient, effective tools possible.

Can’t I just hire a high school student to work with my child? It’s a lot cheaper!

Yes, you can hire a less expensive tutor for your child.  However, you will get what you pay for.  A high school student has no knowledge of what it takes to overcome reading difficulties and it may take a lot longer to get anywhere.  My goal is always to get students caught up to their peers and get them on solid ground as quickly and efficiently as possible.  My job is to give your child the skills to not need me anymore.  

What if my child’s reading does not improve?

The proof is in the results.  I will assess constantly and communicate with you frequently keeping you apprised of your child’s progress.  I have not met a student yet that I was unable to help.  

How fast will you fix my child’s reading issues?

All children learn and grow at different rates.  This question is as individual as your child.  But my goal is always to help students achieve grade level skills as quickly as possible

Can’t my child just go once per week?

Once per week allows too much down time between sessions.  Skills must be mastered and moved to long term memory.  Once per week simply is not frequently enough to help students master these skills.  Students with reading  difficulties need intensive sessions.  A minimum of 3 times per week during summer is strongly recommended.  4-5 times is even better.  They get caught up more quickly and the need for tutoring services is done.

What do I have to do? What are your expectations of parents?

Parents have a rough enough job without me assigning them homework.  The biggest expectation is to make sure your child is logged on to the computer on time, and that there are no distractions (tv, lots of commotion) in the background so we can maximize each session.  You are always welcome to sit by and watch your child work so you can see the techniques I’m using.  

In terms of your time to read with your child, make it fun and just enjoy books!  I may give your child some passages to practice, but they will be passages we have practiced together and that your child has the skills to read on their own.  The teaching of students will be my job.  I want to take the stress off of parents. 

Does virtual tutoring really work?

A few years ago I would have guessed no!  But the pandemic and being forced to teach on line made me learn how to use virtual instruction effectively.  During the pandemic I met with students from my school all day, some individually, and some in small groups.  I had no choice but to figure out how to make it effective.  It was clumsy in the beginning, but as time went on I really improved my virtual teaching skills.  The students really enjoyed our time together and made excellent progress.  

Virtual makes it easier on parents too!  I know how exhausting it can be to drive your children to practice, school functions, errands, etc.  Virtual tutoring happens right at the kitchen table.  Just make sure they are on time to the table, minimize background distractions as much as your able, and hang around to watch the fun happen!

Will my child like tutoring?

I love what I do.  There is no bigger thrill to me than watching a child grow confident as a reader.  When you love what you do, you have fun doing it.  I make sessions fun and engaging.  I keep my pacing fast, but put in enough repetition to help students master skills.  I haven’t met a child yet that hasn’t enjoyed their time with me. 

Students are only asked to do new things in small bites that we master.  If I see a student is becoming frustrated, I know to change up my instruction to help them through difficult tasks.  I use a lot of praise, and we have lots of laughs together!

What if my child is sick? Has a vacation?

We do not meet during the 4th of July week.  Also, either 1 (for those meeting 3 times per week) or 2 (meeting 4 or 5 times per week) free sessions are included.  This way if a child is sick, or has to miss a session due to a long weekend, you have these freebie sessions so you are not out that extra money.  If you use all of the sessions, it allows you to get some free tutoring.